Working together
All staff at The Henry Beaufort School are trained in teaching and working with deaf and/or hard of hearing students.
Teachers of our students receive copies of individual student ‘passports’, training in deaf awareness and communication, and the use of equipment.
We communicate with teaching staff about current and future schemes of work to enable pre-tutoring and reinforcement of unfamiliar vocabulary and concepts. This helps to increase our students’ confidence to actively participate in mainstream lessons.
Parents and Carers
Two-way communication between school and home is paramount to ensure students are making their expected progress.
Communication can be either formal, through Annual Reviews, progress evenings, letters, or informal, through the use of messages home via student school planners, emails or telephone. Additionally parents are welcome to make an appointment with the Teacher of the Deaf at any time throughout the year.
Outside Agencies
We have close connections with, and receive regular visits from, a variety of outside agencies. These include speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, educational psychologists, audiologists, careers advisors, colleges, representatives from equipment providers and the University of Southampton Auditory Implant service (USAIS).
We also provide opportunities for students to have access to other outside agencies linked to deaf awareness, including workshops on a range of topics, hosted by the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS). These workshops aim to enhance students’ safety and continuing social development, both within and outside of the school environment.
Primary Schools
A smooth transition from primary education is vital to a fulfilling secondary school experience.
Students and their parents/carers are actively encouraged to visit the Resource Base in addition to the usual school open day events. Prospective students have the opportunity to meet with both staff and our current students.
Prior to joining The Henry Beaufort School the Teacher of the Deaf will visit individual students within their primary school and observe them in more familiar surroundings. There will be extensive liaison with the students’ current Teacher of the Deaf.
In Years 10 and 11, students view their options for post-16 education. The Resource Base team liaise closely with colleges about individual students. In consultation with the student, colleges are also invited to the Year 11 Annual Review, to help support transition.
Liaison with colleges is arranged in accordance with the student’s needs, but typically can include: support with applications and/or interviews, extra visits or tours, opportunities to ‘shadow’ a Year 12 student; meetings with college support staff and guidance and advice on meetings the students’ needs. If necessary, students also receive tutoring to familiarise them with social issues surrounding the transition, such as transport links.