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The Henry

Pupil Premium Funding

For more information on each category of the Pupil Premium grant, click on the links below or tabs on the right (PC) or 'Items in this Area' (Mobile)

The Pupil Premium is a grant provided to schools and academies for pupils aged 11 to 16 who are Disadvantaged (on Free School Meals, have been on Free School Meals at some point in the last 6 years), for Looked After Children and Post-Looked After Children and for Services Children.

The 'further information' links provide details on how students are supported with the Disadvantaged Pupil Premium at The Henry Beaufort School.                                                                               



To access further information on the Disadvantage Pupil Premium, please click here to visit the dedicated page. 

Eligibility: If you feel that your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium but don’t currently claim for Free School Meals, please click here for more information on the application process. 


Looked After Children and Post-Looked After Children

Please click here for further information on our provision for Looked After Children and Post-Looked After Children.


Services Children

Please click here  for further information on how we are spending the service funding for 2024-25.