Year 6 Welcome
Miss S McMahon, Head of Year 7
Hello Year 6, our new future Year 7’s and parents.
This is the beginning of an incredibly exciting journey of you joining the Henry Beaufort School! I am thrilled to be able to join you on this journey and cannot wait to start working with you all.
There will be lots of new experiences and changes over the next year, which at times, may feel overwhelming and scary – but this is completely normal. I can guarantee you will not be the only one feeling this way and as a team, we will work together to ensure that every single one of you have a positive experience.
At The Henry Beaufort School our motto is ‘Pride, Happiness and Ambition’ and it inspires and underpins everything that we do. We will ensure that our year group takes pride in everything we do, big or small, spread happiness within our Beaufort community and promote ambition in all aspects.
We believe that every student has the potential to be truly fantastic, and it is our job to help you become resilient, conscientious, and determined individuals who are ready to take on the world when you leave us at the end of Year 11.
I hope that you enjoy your remaining time at primary school, and I look forward to meeting you all over the next coming months.
Take care and see you all soon,
Miss McMahon
Please look at the video Mr Coe, has made to give you some idea of what happens on a normal school day.